Associated Groups

Valuable input into Council comes from a number of specialist areas of critical care. These ex officio members of the Council are part of it by virtue of holding another office in a relevant group. They do not have voting rights on Council.

Scottish Intensive Trainee Group

The SICS Trainees Group exists to promote Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) among trainees from all base specialties in Scotland, to encourage education in ICM, to represent the views of Scottish trainees with an interest in ICM, to promote trainee activity in nationwide audit through the audit share project and to encourage social links between ICM trainees. The group was established in 2007, evolving from the Group of Intensive Care Trainees in Scotland (GITS) formed by an enthusiastic group of advanced trainees in ICM in 2002.

If you would like to be kept informed about SICS Trainees Group activities and matters affecting ICM interested trainees in Scotland, please email us (


To vote on issues affecting the group or become involved in the committee you must be a member of the SICS and we encourage all trainees interested in ICM to join the Society. Membership offers a wide range of benefits – go to the membership section to find out more.

Chair: Lara Latif

The chair’s responsibilities are to represent the Committee on Council, set the agenda for meetings of the Committee and oversee and facilitate the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Group.

The Secretary manages the membership list, takes minutes of meetings of the Committee and ensures dissemination of the activities of the Committee to the Trainee’s Group membership. They liaise with the SICS Honorary Secretary. They manage the SICS Trainees Group Facebook page and any other social media pages the group maintain.  The Secretary is responsible for the dissemination of information to Regional Linkmen.

The Education/Meetings Coordinator takes a leadership role in the organisation of educational activities of the group.  These include the annual SICS Education Meeting and the Education Days.  They also sit on the SICS Education & Training Group.

The Audit lead supports trainee and consultant audits and quaility improvement projects across Scotland. The Audit lead works with the wide SICS to support the goals of improve critical care delivery in Scotland. 


Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG)

SICSAG aims to improve care and quality for those who need ICU care. Full details of this group work can be found on their subpage or website.  

The NRS Critical Care Specialty Group succeeded the Scottish Critical Care Trials Group in 2016. The group supports clinical research into critical illness via a Scotland-wide network of researchers. The NRS has a portfolio of eligibly funded and commercial research in Critical Care and works to ensure that critically ill patients in Scotland are given the opportunity to participate in high quality clinical trials. It represents Scotland at the NIHR National Specialty Group with which it works closely. This specialty lead is appointed by the Chief Scientist’s Office (CSO) and NRS The group comprises of “research champions” from each ICU in Scotland and also trainee, nursing and allied health professional representation. The group meets three times a year. There are two “face to face” meetings; one at the SICS ASM and the other at the joint meeting between Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) and the NRS Critical Care Specialty Group. The third meeting is a teleconference

Education and Training Group

The Education and Training Group leads the delivery of education by the society and is chaired by Dr Mike Gillies.  The group’s activities include the on-line induction modules, training days for Advanced ICM doctors, simulation courses at the Scottish Clinical Simulation Centre and the annual SICS Education Meeting.

Scottish Transplant Group

The STG was formed in 2001 to provide a regular forum to bring together representatives of the transplant community in Scotland, including a representative from the SICS. The STG is chaired by Professor John Forsythe, Lead Clinician for Organ Donation and Transplantation in Scotland and meets quarterly in March, July, September and December. Secretariat to the Group is provided by the Scottish Government.

The Group also provides expert advice and makes recommendations to the Scottish Government on matters relating to organ and tissue donation and transplantation. STG has an ethics subgroup which considers the legal, ethical and professional issues surrounding organ donation.

In addition, in January 2008, Nicola Sturgeon, the then Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, asked the Group to take on the task of overseeing the implementation in Scotland of the recommendations from the first report of the UK Organ Donation Taskforce.

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Chair of the Scottish Critical Care Delivery Groups

The Scottish Critical Care Delivery Group, an association of Regional CCDG Chairs, is the Service Advisory forum for Critical Care in Scotland. It is recognised by SGHD National Planning Forum and CMO Medical Advisory Group. It acts around a number of key remit areas including:

  • definition of level 3 (ICU) and level 2 (HDU) capacity
  • assessment of level 2 & 3 need
  • co-ordination of winter planning & escalation policies
  • establishing Critical Care service strategies
  • workforce and recruitment matters
  • new developments (e.g. need for a Scottish Advanced Respiratory Care Centre)

CMO Specialty Adviser for Anaesthesia & Critical Care

The CMO Adviser in critical care offers a vital link between the specialty and the Scottish Government Health Dept advising on matters such as developments in the service, workforce planning, training numbers and surge capacity.

Training in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) in Scotland fully integrates into the UK national recruitment system.  Further information regarding training in ICM in Scotland is provided on the ICM training page.

Paediatric Intensive Care Service

Paediatric representation on the SICS Council began in 2012, and comes at an exciting time with major changes in ICM training, transport and extracorporeal life support services in Scotland. Paediatric intensivists have also joined the SCCDG to the benefit of both paediatric and adult intensive communities.The paediatric intensive care service was designated a national service in April 2007; it is provided by the Royal Hospitals for Sick Children (RHSC) in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Commissioning the two paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) as a single service, will develop closer working links between the two units and provide an effective single paediatric intensive care service for the population of Scotland.

The PICUs in Edinburgh and Glasgow submit audit returns to PICANet. This is a national audit coordinated by the Universities of Leeds and Leicester, which collects data on all children admitted to PICUs across the UK. PICANet aims to continually support improvement of paediatric intensive care for children through clinical audit and enables the PICUs in Scotland to benchmark their care, against other Units across the UK.

The ScotSTAR Paediatric Retrieval Service is a dedicated paediatric intensive care transport service based at Glasgow Airport. The retrieval team take the skills of the paediatric intensive care unit on the road, to the bedside of critically ill children throughout Scotland. For further information including contact numbers and medication dose claculators see

Transport & Trauma

The Scottish Government Health Department’s National Planning Forum convened the Specialist Transport Services Strategic Review Project Board, which has provided and overview of the vision and strategic plan for a national specialist transport service for Scotland – ScotSTAR (Scottish Specialist Transport and Retrieval). The National Planning Forum has also convened an expert subgroup to make recommendations on ways to enhance existing major trauma services in Scotland. Representation from the SICS on these groups is vital to ensuring that the voice of critical care is heard in these projects that will have a major impact on ICU work. A representative from ScotSTAR is invited to meetings when required.
