MSc in Critical Care – The University of Edinburgh and The Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh run an online MSc in Critical Care, for more info
MSc, PGDip, PGCert – The University of Glasgow run an MSc, a Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate in Critical Care, for more info
MSc or PgDip in Critical Care – Cardiff University offer a postgraduate diploma or MSc in Critical Care, see link.
Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh:
There is a Critical Care Medicine Fellowship available in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh’s Critical Care Unit. When applications live they are posted at on the NHS jobs website
Senior Clinical Fellow (Post CCT) in Paediatric Critical Care in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
This post CCT fellowship offers advanced sub-specialist training in Paediatric Intensive Care and will be based at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. This is a 12 month post (9 months paediatric critical care, 3 months paediatric anaesthesia) created as a result of the progressive international development of one of the largest Paediatric Critical Care Units (PCCU) in the UK. We wish to attract a senior medical trainee who is in their final stages, or has completed, supra-speciality training (adult or paediatric) in either critical care, anaesthesia or emergency medicine. The successful applicant will function as a senior clinician to consolidate / gain clinical experience in paediatric critical care medicine and enhance their ability to manage the critically ill child.
For further information please contact Dr. Neil Spenceley on 0141 201 0081 (
Click here for the job description
Critical Care Fellowship at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto
‘Sunnybrook is a fully affiliated teaching hospital of the University of Toronto whose staff include superb clinician scientists (Gordon Rubenfeld, Rob Fowler, Damon Scales, Niall Adhikari and Taz Sinuff), clinician teachers (Shelly Dev and Dominique Piquette) as well as clinician quality improvers (Andre Amaral). We have a world class department of critical care, in a world class city for critical care and we believe a world class critical care fellowship for which we are currently recruiting. Our fellowship is about to transform into a Toronto wide fellowship which will give fellows an even better educational experience.’
If you are interested please contact Dr Cameron Guest at for more information and see the YouTube links below-
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