Learning modules

The Scottish Intensive Care Society Education and Training Group have created 3 new interactive learning modules freely available below. They cover many of the core learning objectives for trainees on their initial attachment to ICU though we welcome all interested in critical care to complete them.

Each module is based around a case and has a number of parts to enable you to easily access/cover all the constituent topics at any time. Please note, at this present time we are unable to generate a certificates of completion, this bug is currently fixed and will be updated as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact michael.kinsella2@nhs.scot for more information. If you require online learning as part of your logbook for ARCP we would recommend a personal reflection with a link to this webpage. 

Module 1


Assessment of the critically ill patientRespiratory failureHypoxia
Referral to critical careVentilationSepsis
Sedation and analgesiaShockVasoactive agents

Module 2


Acute presentations of neurological diseaseSpecialist transfer to ICU
Common causes of reduced conscious level Management of a reduced conscious level
Prevention & treatment of raised intracranial pressureBrain death
Physiological principles of normal brain functionOrgan donation

Module 3


Poisoning: resuscitation, stabilisation and managementAcute liver failure
Acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapyNutrition in critical care


Original SICS modules

Our 13 original open access modules are still available, they are listed below and can be accessed through clicking on the links below. These modules are not up to date so this must be borne in mind when reviewing the modules. Some of the information and answers may not be up to date/correct. We advise you to discuss the module and your answers to the questions with a senior doctor in your local critical care unit.  


Please click on the links below to view the original modules:

  • Sepsis
  • Sedation
  • Delirium
  • Acute kidney injury
  • Neurological emergencies
  • Poisoning
  • Nutrition
  • Acute liver failure