Educational Resources

ICU basics

These guides are free to access and written by SICS members, they are designed to be used for education and learning and are not a substitute for local protocol and clinical oversight

– Overview of ventilation in ICU. Written by Michael Kinsella (SICS Education Grant 2024)

Websites for learning 

The following is a subjective list of free-to-access learning materials that are relevant for those working in critical care in Scotland. If there is an issue with the links or there are any resources that should be added, please email.

FICM education pages: FICM Learning is the learning platform for the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. Here you can access our blogs, podcasts, webinars, and other useful resources. 

eLearning for health: elearning for Intensive Care Medicine (e-ICM) is a joint programme between Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM). The programme provides 10 modules of resources (learning sessions, links to open-access review articles, guidelines and multiple-choice questions) covering the syllabus for training in intensive care medicine. Whilst the resources will be beneficial for trainees undertaking training in intensive care medicine, they will also be of interest and use to anyone caring for critically ill patients.

BJA Education: BJA Education, formerly Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain, is a joint venture of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK. It is also the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.

NHS Education For Scotland educational videos: NES video to support discussion and understanding of death and bereavement. Videos include discussing dying, withdrawal of active treatment in the ICU, understanding the process following a sudden or unexplained death and discussing post-mortem examination. 

The Bottom Line – summary of key papers in ICM and beyond.

Deranged Physiology – a free online resource for intensive medicine focusing on exam-related physiology. 

EMcrit – acute (ICM/ED) focused website from North America 

ESICM (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine) – education output from the European Society, including Consensus statement for common ICM presentations. 

OnePager – a free one-page summary, perfect for some brief teaching sessions 

Life in the Fastlane – a quick-to-read summary of some common presenting conditions as well as podcasts and emergency procedures guides (also on separate app) 

Neuro ICU guru -Neurocritical care resources, education and protocols from the team at Salford Royal Hospital. 


Additional resources

Critical Care Networks Competency Framework – competencies for critical care nursing staff

Adult Medical Emergency Handbook – a quick reference for medical emergencies    

Identifying sepsis early –  a short guide to support diagnosis of sepsis 

Identifying sepsis early (guide for instructors) – teaching materials for learning about sepsis 


Reading list for exam prep (From THE FICM Website

General ICM
  • Arora N, Laha SK. The Beginner’s Guide to Intensive Care: A Handbook for Junior Doctors and Allied Professionals
  • Bersten AD, Handy J. Oh’s Intensive Care Manual 8e
  • Gillon S. Revision Notes in Intensive Care Medicine (Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Texts)
  • Hinds CJ, Watson JD. Intensive Care: A Concise Textbook, 3e
  • Parrillo JE, Dellionger RP. Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult, 5e
  • Singer M, Webb A. Oxford Handbook of Critical Care 3/e (Oxford Medical Handbooks)
  • Vincent JL, Abraham E, Kochanek P, Moore FA, Fink MP. Textbook of Critical Care, 7e
  • Waldmann C, Rhodes A, Soni N, Handy J. Oxford Desk Reference: Critical Care (Oxford Desk Reference Series)
  • Webb A, Angus D, Finfer S, Gattioni L, Singer M. Oxford Textbook of Critical Care
Data Interpretation
  • Bonner S, Dodds C. Clinical Data Interpretation in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (FRCA Study Guides)
  • Hampton J, Adlam D, Hampton J. 150 ECG Cases, 5e
  • Joyce CE, Saad N, Kruger P, Foot C, Blackwell N. Diagnostic Imaging in Critical Care: A Problem Based Approach
  • Venkatesh B, Morgan TJ, Joyce C, Townsend S. Data Interpretation in Critical Care Medicine
Exam Revision Aids
  • Bellchambers E, Davies K, Ford A, Walton B. Multiple True False Questions for the Final FFICM
  • Benington S, Abbas S, Herod R, Horner D. Intensive Care Medicine MCQs
  • Davies K, Gough C, King E, Plumb B, Walton B. Single Best Answer Questions for the Final FFICM
  • Flavin K, Morkane C, Marsh S. Questions for the Final FFICM Structured Oral Examination
  • Hersey P, O’Connor L, Sams T, Sturman J. OSCEs for Intensive Care Medicine
  • Lobaz S, Hamilton M, Glossop AJ, Raithatha AH. Critical Care MCQs – A Companion for Intensive Care Exams
  • Jeyanathan J, Johnson C, Haslam JD. Viva and Structured Oral Examinations in Intensive Care Medicine
  • Jeyanathan J, Owens D. Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Intensive Care Medicine
  • Nichani R, McGrath B. OSCEs for the Final FFICM