The importance of optimal clinical decision making is increasingly recognised within critical care and the society has been very fortunate to have had the priviledge of one of the field’s leads, Professor Pat Crosskerry, share his expertise. Dr Croskerry has kindly agreed to post his lectures on our website (links below) and Dr Graham Nimmo has prepared a brief introductory presentation on clinical decision making.
Dr Crosskerry Mike Telfer lecture
Croskerry P. The Cognitive Imperative: Thinking about How We Think. Em Med. 2000; 7:1223–1231
Wears RL, Perry SJ. Human factors and ergonomics in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. August 2002;40:206-212.
Croskerry P. The Importance of Cognitive Errors in Diagnosis and Strategies to Minimize Them. Acad. Med. 2003;78:775–780
Croskerry P. Achieving Quality in Clinical Decision Making: Cognitive Strategies and Detection of Bias. Acad Em Med. 2002;9:1184–1204
Croskerry P. Cognitive Forcing Strategies in Clinical Decision making. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;41:110-120
Croskerry P. When Diagnoses Fail. New Insights, Old Thinking. The Canadian Journal of CME . Nov 2003, 51-57
Croskerry P. Achilles heels of the ED: Delayed or missed diagnoses. ED Legal Letter™. Oct 2003;14:109-120
Croskerry P. The theory and practice of clinical decision-making.Can J Anesth. 2005;52:R1–R8
Croskerry P. Critical Thinking and Decision making: Avoiding the Perils of Thin-Slicing. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48:720-722
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