
Education in the COVID 19 Era

Continulus is a platform for acute and critical care health workers.  There are many lectures from world experts.  A lot of the services require payment/subscription but there are free COVID resources available.  Access the webpage here and the COVID material here

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow has provided free COVID lectures on its website.  They cover both general medical, critical care and self care resources.  Acess the page here

Northampton critical care has an excellent website for cricical care learning and incudes a COVID section with webinars, inforgraphics and sumary data as well as summaries of current evidence and medical calculators.  Access it here

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh also has a COVID area with both updates and summaries of the latest news on the epidemic as well as information on how it is affecting the college.  Access it here

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh have also produced “COVID 19 and critical care: practice and application”.  This is a free ICU training resource/course for COVID designed mainly for those who may be returning to critical care practice or getting involved due to COVID for the first time.  Access it here

FutureLearn is an online provider of courses on a wide variety of subjects and was started by the Open University and the SEEK group.  It has courses on COVID that can be accessed here.

The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine has a wealth of resources and Webinars.  Its website can be accessed here

UpToDate is a well known and large repository of the latest evidence and although the material is subscription based, the COVID material is being provided for free.  It can be accessed here

NICE have provided rapid evidence summaries here

World Health Organisation (WHO) COVID information can be found here