The Education and Training Group leads the delivery of education by the Society. The group’s activities include the on-line learning modules, training days for Advanced ICM doctors, simulation courses at the Scottish Clinical Simulation Centre and the annual SICS Education Meeting.
The current members of the Education and Training Group are:
- Dr Gillian Fleming (Chair), Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Dr Elizabeth Wilson, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Ms Helen Singh, ACCP Lothian
- Dr Jamie Hornsby, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
- Dr Judith Joss, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
- Dr Kathryn Puxty, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
- Dr Monika Beatty, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Dr Paul McConnell, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
- Dr Richard Appleton, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
- Dr Stephen Friar, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
- Dr Thalia Monro Somerville, St John’s Hospital Livingstone/Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Dr Laura Strachan, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
- Dr Martin Clark, Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy, Fife
Current Chair: Dr Gilly Fleming
Learning modules
There are currently 13 on-line modules freely available through the learning modules page of this website. The modules are open access and for those working within ICUs participating in the module programme then feedback and a certificate can be provided by the local module supervisor. Most ICUs in Scotland participate in the programme as do many in England, Ireland and Wales. If you would like to find out if your ICU participates in the programme or to find out the local supervisor please contact us on The modules are largely aimed at covering some of the core learning objectives for those undertaking their initial attachment in ICM. However they are free for all to complete and all health care professionals working in intensive care are encouraged to complete them as part of their continuing professional development.
Advanced trainee teaching sessions
A number of training sessions are run each year specifically for Advanced trainees in ICM in Scotland. The dates and venues for these sessions are not fixed though they try to rotate through the four Scottish centres. They are aimed at covering some of the objectives from the Advanced ICM curriculum that are not easily covered in the textbooks.
The Principles of Intensive Care Training course runs several times per year at the Scottish Clinical Simulation Centre within Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert. More information is available on the simulation page of this website.