ICU PLAN A BLOCKS Thoracic Erector Spinae Plane – click here to view PDF (click back to exit pdf)
ICU PLAN A BLOCKS Superficial Serratus Anterior Plane – click here to view PDF (click back to exit pdf)
ICU PLAN A BLOCKS Superficial Parasternal Intercostal Plane – click here to view PDF (click back to exit PDF)
PLAN A BLOCKS Rectus Sheath – click here to view PDF (click back to exit PDF)
Point of care ultrasound is fast becoming integrated into acute specialities and adds to our ability to both diagnose pathology and tailor treatment for the patient in front of us.
Focused Intensive Care Echocardiography (FICE) is now a requirement for a CCT in intensive care medicine and Core UltraSound in Intensive Care (CUSIC) is a module also offered by the intensive care Society. These two areas of learning were amalgamated in December 2019 to Focused Ultrasound in Intensive Care (FUSIC).
Several courses are available in Scotland and also around the UK (see the events tab for more details).
SICS wants to create a free library of anonymised clips provided by members for sharing and learning. If you want to send in a clip, please contact Alex Puxty. I’ve currently put two in to start us off and will add more as I get more access to the servers, COVID 19 allowing…
In the mean time there are many other established resources with links found on this page.
Please note that clicking on links will open YouTube® and play the clip described. You should first pause the video then right click the video and select “loop” to have the clip repeat for better viewing.
Other Resources
There are many excellent other sites for POCUS images/education. Below are a few links to help you out (if you find others please E-mail Alex Puxty to add them, thanks).
Grepmed-medical images library
ICE BLU-E-learning for healthcare website in partnership with the ICS and BSE. Covers the theoretical knowledge needed for basic ultrasound. You need to register.
Echocardia-image library with over 17500 images to search
Echopedia-free online textbook with example videoclips as well
© SICS 2005-2023. Scottish Intensive Care Society SCIO registered in Scotland charity number SC050112