become a member

Join the SICS to enjoy a host of benefits

Benefits of membership

  • Reduced rate registration for SICS meetings and access to previous ASM presentations 
  • Personal accident insurance cover of up to £1,000,000 in the event of death or disability during a patient transfer – see opposite for the policy (only if ad hoc and not part of regular job plan)
  • Opportunity to apply for the travel grant, postgraduate bursary and the medical and nursing/AHP award.
  • Reduced joining fee for dual membership with the European Society of ICM and reduced fees for their meetings
  • Eligibility to vote in elections
  • Eligibility to stand for council and sub-committee positions
  • Regular news about events and matters of interest to members
  • Membership of an ever growing and dynamic multidisciplinary network of ICM interested colleagues
  • Representation on key Scottish & UK bodies directing critical care
  • Tax deductible subscription fee

How to join

Thank you for considering becoming a member of The Scottish Intensive Care Society. To join the SICS please click here complete an application form.

To become an SICS member click on the “application form” below. 

You will be taken to a form to complete. In due course, will email you with a request to set up a GoCardless payment.  

The membership year runs from February/March until the following year.

Annual direct debits are collected in February; please note this is irrespective of the date of joining the Society so please bear this in mind when applying to join the Society.

For all matters relating to membership subscriptions please contact us at or the SICS Membership Secretary.

How to resign membership: Should you wish to stop your SICS membership, please email

Unfortunately we cannot refund subscription fees already paid.


The SICS offers a variety of categories of membership to suit all health professionals working in critical care and related areas. The annual fee is collected by direct debit in February. 

Category    Description Annual fee
Consultant For Consultants who work in critical care. £60
Specialty Doctors and Associate Specialists/Non Consultant Career Grade (SAS/NCCG) For Staff Grade/ Associate Specialist/Specialty Doctors who are no longer in training who work in critical care £60
Nursing/Allied Health Care Professional and other associated professions For all allied health professionals who work in or have an interest in critical care:

•    Clinical nursing
•    Advanced critical care/nurse practitioners
•    Dietetics
•    Pharmacy
•    Physiotherapy
•    Research nursing
•    Clinical Psychologists
•    Speech and Language Therapy
•    Occupational Therapy
•    Paramedics
Trainee For doctors from Foundation year onwards, not including Consultants/NCCGs.  These members will periodically be asked for their projected CCT date to ensure they remain in the correct category £40
Retired For members retired from clinical work who wish to remain in contact with the activities and developments of the Society £25
Honorary For members who have contributed significantly to the advancement of the SICS No fee
Student For students wishing to join the SICS £12