Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group

Current Chair: Dr Naz Lone

SICSAG’s aim is to improve the quality of care delivered to critically ill or injured patients by monitoring and comparing activities and outcomes across Scottish Critical Care. This information can be used by clinical staff for quality improvement programmes, service planning and research. The Group has been active since 1995, and in 2006 joined Information Services Division (ISD), part of NHS National Services Scotland.

It is run by a steering group, according to its own constitution, and supported by a consultant audit lead in each unit contributing to the audit, with additional input from regional and local STAG/SIGSAG co-ordinators.

All general Intensive Care Units and combined ICU/High Dependency Units (HDU) collect data and the audit has further expanded to include more than 90% of general High Dependency Units and a number of specialist ICU and HDUs. Participation in the audit remains voluntary.

Critical Care faces challenges in the coming years with reduced public spending and projected increased demands on services by an ageing population. The information and data from this national database remains vital to meet the needs of the Scottish population.

To view the 2023 Audit of critical care provision in Scotland – please click here

For more information on SICSAG please visit: their webiste 



To improve the care of Critical Care (ICU and HDU) patients by systematic, comprehensive audit of their management and outcome.


  • Maintain a high quality validated dataset and electronic database for collection of  SICSAG data

  • Develop and regularly review evidence based standards for Critical Care

  • Identify quality indicators/minimum standards for Critical Care (aligning with UK standards) and monitor compliance

  • Ensure timely and accurate reporting of results

  • Ensure analysis of variance is conducted in a timely, objective manner and that appropriate action is taken when necessary in line with clinical governance policy

  • Support staff to use the data effectively to drive improvement and support future service provision at a local level

  • Collaborate with other agencies to develop quality improvement initiatives

  • Encourage secondary data use to aid research and practice development both at a local and national level

  • Identify specific aspects of care that would benefit from review using sprint audits

  • Raise awareness of standard of Critical Care delivery in hospitals across Scotland by publishing an Annual report

  • Share best practice with colleagues, eg National Critical Care Audit, Quality Improvement and Research meeting, Nurse User group meetings


  • Monthly CUSUM report sent to each participating unit

  • Annual Report: Audit of Critical Care in Scotland [reporting on preceding year] link

  • Annual Report: Surveillance of Healthcare Associated Infections in Scottish Intensive Care Units

  • SICSAG report on  COVID 19 in Scotland’s ICU’s link


  • One-day annual meeting in the spring to engage with WardWatcher users


  • The SICSAG Quality Improvement Award is run annually with a closing date of mid-to-late June