Many different groups play a role in ensuring quality care and best practice, some useful ones are listed below:
HIS aims to deliver excellence in improving the quality of the care and experience of every person in Scotland every time they access healthcare, by supporting healthcare providers in Scotland to deliver high quality, evidence-based, safe, effective and person-centred care; and by scrutinising those services to provide public assurance about the quality and safety of that care.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland is one organisation, made up of different parts, some of which have their own identities and are recognised internationally.
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) develops evidence based clinical practice guidelines for the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland. SIGN guidelines are derived from a systematic review of the scientific literature and are designed as a vehicle for accelerating the translation of new knowledge into action to meet our aim of reducing variations in practice, and improving patient-important outcomes.
© SICS 2005-2023. Scottish Intensive Care Society SCIO registered in Scotland charity number SC050112